When I used to work in customer service at Rab, I used to look at the Rab blog and wonder why the SEO opportunity was missed.
By this I mean, the blog focused on great stories from the team of athletes whom Rab supported but failed to create content that attracted more clicks on Google.
My chance to put my money where my mouth was came when I was hired as Content Coordinator for Rab.
Suddenly, I was in charge of the Rab blog and the fun began.
Activity Guides
Fortunately, I had a manager who supported my vision or better SEO on the blog and I set about creating a strategy for the type of content I wanted to be featured.
I’d seen other websites feature destination guides such as how to walk the West Highland Way, or hike Kilimanjaro for example. With the ‘Mountain People’ brand which Rab embodied, I felt this would be a great place to start.
I began by planning several articles such as:
The Rab Guide to:
Climbing to Everest Base Camp
Walking the West Highland Way
Walking the Inca Trail
and so on.
Most Rab customers were not extreme mountaineers, but these adventures were within reach. My plan, by featuring these articles was to put the Rab experience in the front of thousands of monthly searches relevant to these trips.
Sadly I got laid off before I had a chance to commission these articles. However my climbing Kili article was published, and I believe the Everest Base Camp article will be published at some point as it was paid for at the point of departure.
More to follow in other blogs where I discuss other SEO content pieces I completed while working with Rab.
Buying Guides
Backpack fitting guide